Airsofter World Games is a international, mission driven, airsoft competition. It’s a team vs team mission that requires planning, briefing and teamwork to complete the objective and go home with the win.
Sweden is the second country to host a test game and one of the 5 countries that will have hosted a game in 2024.
But what is up with that ‘TEST’ game?
The test games are testing the rulebook and the concept. After the game the players give their feedback and we receive the needed information to add changes in the rulebook, if needed. After the first test game, in Belgium, we added some interesting new features to test.
I’m proud to host the Swedish test game and push this forward and connect airsoft in different countries. While Airsofter World is mostly online, Airsofter World Games brings it to the players, teams and organisers.
The timeline for the AWG is as follows
- 2024 – Test games
- 2025 – National Competitions
- 2026 – International Competition
You as a fan of mission driven games, this is something for you. If you’re a woodland or CQB player, you will find your joy in the teamwork that is needed to complete the mission.
See you all on September 14th for the Swedish AWG!
You can find the DRAFT rulebook here to be up to date with the latest changes, DRAFT rulebook
AWG is created for a lot of different reasons that I go over in the following video,