You know I love my Perun Clicker for my ICS UK1, which is a V2 gearbox and if you saw my video from a few weeks ago, you know Perun was working on a V3 gearbox one, well it arrived in the mail it’s now in my beloved ICS ARK.
Let’s get into the installation of this little device. This will be the shortest installation video ever. Open up the gearbox, remove all the gears and other parts. You take the clicker and place it on the V3 hybrid mosfet. Yes, this only works with Perun Hybrid mosfets. I have a video online on how to install the Hybrid mosfet.
Oh right, the manual. Important before you begin you go over the manual before doing anything.
Perun Clicker V3 Manual, click here
So a few things to note,
Trigger spring,
I kept it in and out but because I like to have a bit of pre-travel and don’t want my trigger to be loose, I keep the spring in. The video of that is a bit blurry but you can see that it’s perfectly doable to put it in with the spring. Of Course it’s easier without the spring but then you best set the pre travel as short as possible to avoid a wobbly trigger.
Break force,
There are 2 options, hard and light. To change it you take out the pin, always take it out from the logo side. I have mine on hard.
I like overtravel so I set it to max but you can shorten the over travel by adjusting the screw.
Put everything together and put it back in your rifle and almost ready to go. It might be a tight fit but that’s how it is supposed to be. The clicker needs to be tight in the shell.
Trigger sensitivity,
Go into your settings of your mosfet to adjust the sensitivity depending on your settings. 3 or 4 should be good. Lower and it might not register and higher might fire before the break.
If you’re like me and you like to go away from the weird airsoft triggers, this clicker thing is for you. It will change the way you enjoy shooting even more.
Thank you Perun for sending me one for testing, I love it.