Verage Airsoft,
Where to start
I started playing airsoft in 2006 and I think I organised my first game the same year. I have never stopped doing that. In 2015 I made my first Berget video, which was released on the 25th Mountaineers channel. In 2020 I decided to start my own Youtube channel and released my first video there in May and started stepping away from the shadow into the spotlight and reaching more people as myself and more than 200 videos later, I still love it.
Along the way some other stuff happened, 2009 we started Airsoft 4 All and the group kept going till 2023 till the building, The Shelter, went down. A place where I organised numerous games. Also in 2009 we started and in 2014 I launched Airsoft-United. In 2021 I joined Airsofter World. I organised Vietnam events, Target shooting, weekend games, Zombie Nights and much much more. Oh, I also was part of the Belgian Airsoft Association from 2014 to promote and stimulate airsoft in Belgium.
Verage Airsoft
In 2024 we jumped and moved to Sweden and here I can go 100% for what I love to do, Organising games and building communities. With that comes a lot of change. I quit my job and focus now completely on Airsoft, because I believe that is the only way to do it the right way.
In July I registered my own company, Verage Airsoft and joined the board of Airsofter World.
For people that don’t know where Verage comes from, well it’s very creative, it’s my last name in the shortest possible way.
Verage Airsoft, it took me a long time to realise my qualities and where I belong in this amazing hobby and I will build on that. I will not only create my own games under the name ‘Verage Events’ but also assist other organisers to create better games. I have a lot of experience and knowledge and want to spread that. It’s something that I always have been doing anyway. The past years, multiple organisers gave me a call for some advice or feedback
I believe that there is a lot of potential everywhere and instead of creating everything from scratch, we should come together and build bigger and better things.
Airsofter World
Which brings us to the next big thing, Airsofter World.
Building communities and bringing people together through airsoft is one of the things I love to do. Airsofter World is the perfect tool for that. That’s why I spend so much energy to create the best possible place for airsofters all around the world. It doesn’t stop with the platform. It goes back to Verage the organiser and builds an international competition with the Airsofter World Games.
All of those steps are super scary. Not having the financial security from my previous job is a weird feeling. Along the way I will find ways to fund the projects that I’m working on. I just need to figure out what the best ways are. I will start a patreon or similar for the people that want to support me in my journey. I thank everyone that supported me in the past and hopefully will keep doing that in the future.
Verage Videos
But Rob, what about your videos? No worries, the videos will keep coming, they do not generate any income for me but my youtube channel is special for me. It shows who I am and what I stand for. I want to bring quality gameplay videos and show how airsoft actually is. I want to spread the knowledge I have and the gear I use for new and veteran players. I will try to keep my schedule at 1 video a week. I do want to get through my backlog of gameplay videos that I created in the last 2 years. Making gameplay videos is demanding because I’m a perfectionist and I want to create the correct feeling for the viewer. So more Bellum and Berget videos are coming. Also I do want to bring more interview style videos with people that meant a lot to me or are doing an amazing job for Airsoft.
So in short, a lot of airsoft in the future!
Sweden is an amazing country with a lot of possibilities and I look forward to this next chapter in my airsoft career. I look forward to taking the next steps with all of you.
Thank you for the support and I’m looking forward to the future!